隙のあるエステ | エステ・アロマ(出張エステ/秋葉原)

隙のあるエステ | エステ・アロマ(出張エステ/秋葉原)




60分 15,000円
75分 19,000円
90分 24,000円
105分 29,000円
120分 34,000円
180分 44,000円
写真・ネット指名料 1,000円
本指名料 2,000円


オールヌード 5,000円




秋葉原、御徒町、神田、上野 周辺のビジネスホテル・ラブホテル・レンタルルーム 0円
台東区、千代田区、中央区 1,000円
文京区、墨田区、荒川区、新橋、豊洲 2,000円
港区、江東区、足立区 3,000円
新宿区、豊島区 4,000円
渋谷区、中野区、北区 5,000円
江戸川区、葛飾区、板橋区、練馬区、杉並区、世田谷区、目黒区、品川区、大田区 6,000円


JR秋葉原駅昭和口より徒歩5分 秋葉原駅昭和口よりお電話下さい。






  • 本番強要、及び行為そのものが発覚した場合直ちにプレイ中断し、治療費の請求を致します。
  • スカウト行為が発覚した場合は、実損害を損害賠償請求させていただきます。
  • カメラやレコーダーなどの機器で撮影・録音・盗聴される方
  • 店外デート等、個人的な交際の申し込み、及び連絡先の交換
  • 外部掲示板に書込みする方、並びにこれを閲覧し、女の子に見せたり話したりする方
  • 女の子が退室の際または退室後に、頂いた料金がなくなっていたことが発覚した場合、即刻管轄警察署へ連絡いたします。
  • 暴力団関係者またはそれに準ずる方、刺青のある方
  • 女性に乱暴な扱いをされる方。女性が怖がる暴言を吐かれる方
  • プレイ前にシャワーを浴びない方
  • 違法ドラッグもしくは薬物乱用者(発覚した場合は行政指導により所轄警察署に通報します)
  • 性病もしくはその疑いのある方
  • プレイする部屋から無断での場所移動
  • 基本プレイ以外のプレイを強要する方(基本プレイは女性によって異なります)
  • 泥酔または衛生上の理由によりプレイが困難な方
  • ストーカーもしくはそれに準ずる行為をされる方
  • 女性の嫌がる行為をされる方
  • 派遣先に、お風呂・シャワー等の設備が無い方(共同風呂も不可)
  • 派遣先ホテルの一室に複数でおられる方
  • その他当店が不適切と判断した方


60min 45,000yen
80min 57,000yen
100min 69,000yen
120min 81,000yen
180min 119,000yen

※This will connect you to external website.If you have any questions about the payment process, kindly call our store for more information.

Terms of Service

If our staff and/or therapist noticed or any relevant to the following actions, customer will be refused from using our service immediately.
And if in any case trouble and/or interuption of service has occured, customer’s payment is subject to compensation for damages and will not be refundable.We DO NOT ALLOW any actions as follows;

  • If customer has done an action in a violent way during the play, service will be stopped and in any circumstance that injury has happened, customer has to pay for medical fee of the therapist.
    (After reporting to the police and we could not contact the customer or might be running away please be informed that customer is obliged to pay for the claim that might come from a third party organization)
  • If labor recruiting is found, compensation for damages will be required
    (We will take a photo of customer and do appropriate action to such)
  • Video recording,voice recording and/or any recording devices
  • Inviting to go on a date, to have a relationship privately and/or exchanging contact information
  • Showing or talking to the therapist about what is written to any of external bulletin board websites
  • We will report to the police immidiately if the payment is suddenly gone before and/or after the therapist leaves the room
  • If customer has connection with violent groups or customer himself does violent actions
  • Customer who treats our therapist violently and/or saying bad words to them
    (Before the play, please cut your finger nails so that our therapist will not get hurt)
  • Customer who does not take a shower before the play
  • Customer who brings illegal drugs or any thing that is related to illegal drugs(if found,we will report it to the police)
  • Customer that has desease transmitted sexually or any infectious deseases
  • If customer himself changes the place to another where the play is going to happen without any permission
  • If customer has strongly requested a play that is not from the basic play (Basic play is depending on the therapist)
  • Not able to do the play due to being drunk and/or uncleanliness
  • Stalking actions and/or any actions relation to that
  • Any actions that our therapist does not want to do
  • Place/room that has no shower room etc. (Public bath is not allowed)
  • Several people inside of hotel room
  • Any inappropriate actions that our staff could think of

※Terms of Service written above is to let our customer to understand the DON’Ts of our service and to ensure our customers will enjoy time with our therapist.Thank you for your understanding.




